Malus ‘Adirondack’ (Adirondack Crabapple)

Malus ‘Adirondack’ Zone 4

Adirondack Crabapple

18’ tall by 10’ wide, An upright growing tree, compact and dense. Flowers are many and white followed by bright red, ½” crabapples. Highly disease resistant.

This is not a live inventory. Please call for current availability. Prices subject to change.


Malus ‘Adirondack’ Zone 4

Adirondack Crabapple

18’ tall by 10’ wide, An upright growing tree, compact and dense. Flowers are many and white followed by bright red, ½” crabapples. Highly disease resistant.

This is not a live inventory. Please call for current availability. Prices subject to change.
  • 2-2.5” B&B…………………………………..675.00