Cornus x ‘Venus’ (Venus Dogwood)

Cornus x ‘Venus’ Zone 5

Venus Dogwood

25’ tall by 20’ wide  This hybrid dogwood produces 6” wide white flowers in late spring. It is nearly sterile, so very little fruit is produced. The leaves turn purple red in the fall. Disease resistant.

This is not a live inventory. Please call for current availability. Prices subject to change.


Cornus x ‘Venus’ Zone 5

Venus Dogwood

25’ tall by 20’ wide  This hybrid dogwood produces 6” wide white flowers in late spring. It is nearly sterile, so very little fruit is produced. The leaves turn purple red in the fall. Disease resistant.

This is not a live inventory. Please call for current availability. Prices subject to change.
  • 10 Gal. Cont……………………………………..200.00
  • 8-10’ B&B ………………………Call For Availability